Are you interested in any of these ideas?
It will only happen if you let your organisers know by dropping them a request.
If there's enough interest then we'll do our best to put something together.
Better still, if you'd like to organise an event or lead an activity
your contribution and involvement would be much appreciated.
Or perhaps you just want to promote your own Club or Event?
Simply email your details to: Free Website Advert
Here's just a few suggestions, but feel free to make your own:
Golf Tournament PUB EVENINGS 70’s & 80s Disco
Chess Club Kids Art Classes
Multisports for Children Weight Watchers
Headstart Badminton Recycling Project
Short Mat Bowling Wine Tasting Evening
Reminiscing Group Drama Group Guitar Lessons
Health Promotion Events Annual Village Games Coffee Mornings
Help set up Website Cooking on a Budget Cooking for Children
Senior Youth Group Beetle Drives
Bingo Evening Car Boot Sale
FARMERS MARKET Various social evenings (ideas?)
Help us make them happen — support your village hall