Howgate in bloom

It is commonplace these days to pass through villages and small towns which make a feature of floral displays of one sort or another.  HVHA, supported by the Community Council have worked together to improve the overall attractiveness of the village, the green and the approach roads by establishing floral displays at appropriate points. 

A small group of local residents have got together, initially gaining grant funding to help get these features started.  

Although the weather has blown, soaked and washed away lots of plants and greenery, Howgate has still managed to stay beautiful. The gardening group have managed to maintain the village under difficult conditions. 

Throughout the winter residents are encouraged to adopt a pot or barrel and maintain it until spring time comes along.

The group are always looking for new volunteers to help keep Howgate looking good.  If you can spare an hour or two every now and again to give your support, please contact
