What is the Community Group?     

Howgate Community Council, like other Community Councils in Scotland, is a voluntary organisation, made up of people who give time to, and have a genuine interest in, the well-being of the Howgate community. The Community Council members are residents of the area who act on behalf of local people to try and preserve those aspects of the community that they believe are worth retaining whilst also encouraging developments which will benefit the community and ensure that it will continue to thrive.

Our primary role is representative - to consult the local community and to make known to public bodies, Midlothian Council in particular, the views of local people on all matters affecting them. These public bodies have a duty to consult the Community Council on how local services are delivered and on other issues affecting our area, including our statutory right to be consulted on any planning applications in their areas.

Meetings and Members

We usually meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month, at 7.30pm in Howgate Village Hall, and hold our Annual General Meeting each May. These meetings are open to all local residents.   The typical agenda includes discussion on planning matters; roads / pavements and local events along with updates provided by attendees. Our meetings are normally attended by a member of Lothian and Borders Police, and one or more of our local Councillors, other officials may also attend as necessary.

You can contact any member of the Community Council (view the Member List opposite) to discuss relevant issues or ask for a matter to be raised at our meetings. Alternatively please email:  HowgateCC@Hotmail.com

The HCC Constitution - revised 2018

Our Privacy Policy:   click here

 Meeting dates 

Normally the fourth Wednesday
of each month at 7.30pm
in the Village Hall

 Scroll down for previous Minutes 

The Council is looking for new
members. All you need are a couple
of spare hours each month and an
interest in improving your local
community. Just contact
Bruce Hobbs
on 01968 675 885 or one of our
committee members:

 HCC committee members
as at June, 2018

Chair:  Ian Quigley
Treasurer:  Graham Young
Secretary: Jenny Westwood

Colin Bennett, Ian King,
David Wilson

eM :    Ian Quigley

t :     01968 672334

 Community Council meeting minutes & documents

 Annual General Meetings (AGMs) :

New Chairman - AGM - statement .docx New Chairman - AGM - statement .docx
Size : 8.384 Kb
Type : docx
HCC-AGM-Jun.2016.doc HCC-AGM-Jun.2016.doc
Size : 44 Kb
Type : doc

 Ordinary Meetings:  2019 .... 2016

HCC_Minutes_Oct.2019.pdf HCC_Minutes_Oct.2019.pdf
Size : 29.49 Kb
Type : pdf


HCC_Minutes_Oct.2018.docx HCC_Minutes_Oct.2018.docx
Size : 15.375 Kb
Type : docx

 Council documents  - ARCHIVE  (chronological)

DrummondMoor-Sirius-plan.pdf DrummondMoor-Sirius-plan.pdf
Size : 161.477 Kb
Type : pdf